Human Origins
Dr. Donald C. JohansonFounding Director, Institute of Human Origins
Virginia M. Ullman Chair in Human Origins
Professor, School of Human Evolution and Social Change
Arizona State University
Week 1: Paleoanthropology, What is it?
⦁ Welcome and Introduction
⦁ Introduction to Human Origins
⦁ How Does Paleoanthropology Fit into Anthropology?
⦁ How Paleoanthropologists Conduct their Research
⦁ Methods in Paleoanthropology
⦁ Life in the Field: Hadar, Ethiopia
Welcome to week 1
How Paleoanthropologists Conduct their Research
- How does paleoanthropology fit?
- Human Climate
- Origin Stories - Audio Interview
- Methods in Paleoanthropology
Life in the Field: Hadar, Ethiopia
Additional Resources Week 1
What is science in anthropology? at the link that follows here:
Using the Scientific Process to Study Human Evolution at the link that follows here:
Video: Are we really 99% chimp? at the link that follows here:
Video: Interview with Carol Ward at the link that follows here:
Video: Radiocarbon Dating at the link that follows here:
Week 2: Darwin’s Dangerous Ideas
⦁ Lectures 1 & 2: Paleoanthropology & Evolutionary Theory
⦁ Lectures 3 & 4: Darwin's Dangerous Ideas
⦁ Lectures 5 & 6: How is the Biological World Organized?
⦁ Lectures 7, 8 & 9: What are Primates and Where Do We Fit In?
Week 2 Introduction Video
Lectures 1 & 2: Paleoanthropology & Evolutionary Theory
Additional Resources Week 1
What is science in anthropology? at the link that follows here:
Using the Scientific Process to Study Human Evolution at the link that follows here:
Video: Are we really 99% chimp? at the link that follows here:
Video: Interview with Carol Ward at the link that follows here:
Video: Radiocarbon Dating at the link that follows here:
Week 2: Darwin’s Dangerous Ideas
⦁ Lectures 1 & 2: Paleoanthropology & Evolutionary Theory
⦁ Lectures 3 & 4: Darwin's Dangerous Ideas
⦁ Lectures 5 & 6: How is the Biological World Organized?
⦁ Lectures 7, 8 & 9: What are Primates and Where Do We Fit In?
Week 2 Introduction Video
Lectures 1 & 2: Paleoanthropology & Evolutionary Theory
Lectures 3 & 4: Darwin's Dangerous Ideas
Lectures 7, 8 & 9: What are Primates and Where Do We Fit In?
Additional Resources Week 2
Genetics at the link that follows:
Reading a Phylogenetic Tree: The Meaning of Monophyletic Groups at the link that follows:
Characteristics of Crown Primates at the link that follows here:
Week 3: From 4 to 2, Feet that is!
⦁ Lectures 1 & 2: Primate Origins
⦁ Lectures 3 & 4: Hominoid Origins
⦁ Lectures 5 & 6: What is Bipedalism?
⦁ Lectures 7 & 8: The Great Rift Valley & the First Hominins
Week 3 Introduction
Lectures 1 & 2: Primate Origins
Lectures 3 & 4: Hominoid Origins
Lectures 5 & 6: What is Bipedalism?
Lectures 7 & 8: The Great Rift Valley & the First Hominins
Additional Resources Week 3
The First Primates at the link that follows here:
Primate Origins and the Plesiadapiforms at the link that follows here:
Hominoid Origins at the link that follows here:
The Earliest Hominins: Sahelanthropus, Orrorin, and Ardipithecus at the link that follows here:
How to Become a Primate Fossil at the link that follows here:
Week 4: Who Was Lucy?
⦁ Lectures 1 & 2: Who Was Lucy?
⦁ Lectures 3 & 4: Who Was Lucy?
⦁ Lectures 5 & 6: South African Hominins
⦁ Lectures 7 & 8: South African Hominins
⦁ Lecture 9: Australopithecus sediba
Week 4 Introduction
Lectures 1 & 2: Who Was Lucy?
Lectures 3 & 4: Who Was Lucy?
Lectures 5 & 6: South African Hominins
Lectures 7 & 8: South African Hominins
Lecture 9: Australopithecus sediba
Supplemental Video
Additional Resources Week 4
The University of Texas at Austin: Meet Lucy at the link that follows here:
ASU Institute of Human Origins: Lucy's Story at the link that follows here:
Video (1 hour) Professor Don Johanson speaking at Denison University at the link that follows here:
Video (2:03) Lucy: 3.2 Million Year Old Mother of Man - BBC at the link that follows here:
Radiolab: Lucy at the link that follows here:
Video (9:46) about Raymond Dart at the link that follows here:
Zeresenay Alemseged: The Search for Humanity's Roots (TED talk) at the link that follows here:
New Studies Shake up Human Family Tree at the link that follows here:
⦁ Lecture 1: Olduvai Gorge & the Robusts
⦁ Lecture 2: Olduvai Gorge & the Robusts
⦁ Lecture 3: Who Was the Earliest Homo? Part 1
⦁ Lecture 4: Who Was the Earliest Homo? Part 2
Week 5 Introduction
Additional Resources Week 5
The Robust Australopiths at the following link:
African Fossils at
Homo habilis Smithsonian
Homo rudolfensis Smithsonian
Archaeology Info Homo habilis
efossils Homo habilis
efossils Homo rudolfensis
Week 6: Out of Africa and Eurasian Occupation!
⦁ Out of Africa Part 1 (Homo erectus)
⦁ Out of Africa Parts 2 and 3
⦁ Middle Pleistocene Hominins Parts 1 and 2
⦁ Neandertals Part 1
⦁ Neandertals Parts 2 and 3
Week 6 Introduction
Out of Africa Parts 2 and 3
Middle Pleistocene Hominins Parts 1 and 2
Neandertals Parts 2 and 3
Additional Resources Week 6
Bones Don't Lie Blog Post:
Day of Archeology:
Life Sciences, Society & Policy: Neanderthals:
Week 7: What does it mean to be a Modern Human?
⦁ Anatomically Modern Humans Part 1
⦁ Anatomically Modern Humans Part 2
⦁ Anatomically Modern Humans Part 3
⦁ Special Behaviors of Modern Humans
⦁ The Human Family Tree
Week 7 Introduction
Special Behaviors of Modern Humans
Additional Resources Week 7
DNA Evidence of Interbreeding Between Early Humans and Neanderthals
Professor Johanson Nov 5 Google Hangout
Additional Resources Week 2
Genetics at the link that follows:
Reading a Phylogenetic Tree: The Meaning of Monophyletic Groups at the link that follows:
Characteristics of Crown Primates at the link that follows here:
_____________________________________________Week 3: From 4 to 2, Feet that is!
⦁ Lectures 1 & 2: Primate Origins
⦁ Lectures 3 & 4: Hominoid Origins
⦁ Lectures 5 & 6: What is Bipedalism?
⦁ Lectures 7 & 8: The Great Rift Valley & the First Hominins
Week 3 Introduction
Lectures 1 & 2: Primate Origins
Lectures 3 & 4: Hominoid Origins
Lectures 5 & 6: What is Bipedalism?
Lectures 7 & 8: The Great Rift Valley & the First Hominins
Additional Resources Week 3
The First Primates at the link that follows here:
Primate Origins and the Plesiadapiforms at the link that follows here:
Hominoid Origins at the link that follows here:
The Earliest Hominins: Sahelanthropus, Orrorin, and Ardipithecus at the link that follows here:
How to Become a Primate Fossil at the link that follows here:
Week 4: Who Was Lucy?
⦁ Lectures 1 & 2: Who Was Lucy?
⦁ Lectures 3 & 4: Who Was Lucy?
⦁ Lectures 5 & 6: South African Hominins
⦁ Lectures 7 & 8: South African Hominins
⦁ Lecture 9: Australopithecus sediba
Week 4 Introduction
Lectures 1 & 2: Who Was Lucy?
Lectures 3 & 4: Who Was Lucy?
Lectures 5 & 6: South African Hominins
Lectures 7 & 8: South African Hominins
Lecture 9: Australopithecus sediba
Supplemental Video
Additional Resources Week 4
The University of Texas at Austin: Meet Lucy at the link that follows here:
ASU Institute of Human Origins: Lucy's Story at the link that follows here:
Video (1 hour) Professor Don Johanson speaking at Denison University at the link that follows here:
Video (2:03) Lucy: 3.2 Million Year Old Mother of Man - BBC at the link that follows here:
Radiolab: Lucy at the link that follows here:
Video (9:46) about Raymond Dart at the link that follows here:
Zeresenay Alemseged: The Search for Humanity's Roots (TED talk) at the link that follows here:
New Studies Shake up Human Family Tree at the link that follows here:
Week 5: Big Jaws and the Earliest Homo:
Bushiness in the Fossil Record from 3 – 2.0 million⦁ Lecture 1: Olduvai Gorge & the Robusts
⦁ Lecture 2: Olduvai Gorge & the Robusts
⦁ Lecture 3: Who Was the Earliest Homo? Part 1
⦁ Lecture 4: Who Was the Earliest Homo? Part 2
Week 5 Introduction
- Lecture 1: Olduvai Gorge & the Robusts - Part 1
- Lecture 2: Olduvai Gorge & the Robusts - Part 2
- Lecture 3: Who Was the Earliest Homo? Part 1
- Lecture 4: Who Was the Earliest Homo? Part 2
Additional Resources Week 5
The Robust Australopiths at the following link:
African Fossils at
Homo habilis Smithsonian
Homo rudolfensis Smithsonian
Archaeology Info Homo habilis
efossils Homo habilis
efossils Homo rudolfensis
_____________________________________________Week 6: Out of Africa and Eurasian Occupation!
⦁ Out of Africa Part 1 (Homo erectus)
⦁ Out of Africa Parts 2 and 3
⦁ Middle Pleistocene Hominins Parts 1 and 2
⦁ Neandertals Part 1
⦁ Neandertals Parts 2 and 3
Week 6 Introduction
Out of Africa Parts 2 and 3
Middle Pleistocene Hominins Parts 1 and 2
Neandertals Parts 2 and 3
Additional Resources Week 6
Bones Don't Lie Blog Post:
Day of Archeology:
Life Sciences, Society & Policy: Neanderthals:
_____________________________________________Week 7: What does it mean to be a Modern Human?
⦁ Anatomically Modern Humans Part 1
⦁ Anatomically Modern Humans Part 2
⦁ Anatomically Modern Humans Part 3
⦁ Special Behaviors of Modern Humans
⦁ The Human Family Tree
Week 7 Introduction
- Anatomically Modern Humans Part 1
- Anatomically Modern Humans Part 2
- Anatomically Modern Humans Part 3
Special Behaviors of Modern Humans
Additional Resources Week 7
DNA Evidence of Interbreeding Between Early Humans and Neanderthals
_____________________________________________Professor Johanson Nov 5 Google Hangout